Prohibition on Inclusion of Adverse Information in Consumer Reporting in Cases of Human Trafficking (Regulation V)

Title: Prohibition on Inclusion of Adverse Information in Consumer Reporting in Cases of Human Trafficking (Regulation V)
Subject: Credit reporting
Agency: CFPB
Final rule

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (Bureau) is amending Regulation V, which implements the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), to address recent legislation that assists consumers who are victims of trafficking. This final rule establishes a method for a victim of trafficking to submit documentation to consumer reporting agencies, including information identifying any adverse item of information about the consumer that resulted from certain types of human trafficking, and prohibits the consumer reporting agencies from furnishing a consumer report containing the adverse item(s) of information. The Bureau is taking this action as mandated by the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022 to assist consumers who are victims of trafficking in building or rebuilding financial stability and personal independence.

FR Doc: 2022-13671
Date proposed: April 7, 2022
Comments due date: May 9, 2022
Effective date:

July 25, 2022

Rule compliance date:
Agency release:
Related Reg Report item(s): Human trafficking survivors would not be subject to negative credit reports under proposal