Examinations for Risks to Active-Duty Servicemembers and Their Covered Dependents

Title: Examinations for Risks to Active-Duty Servicemembers and Their Covered Dependents
Subject: MLA examinations
Agency: CFPB
Interpretive ruleProposed rule

The Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection (Bureau) has statutory authority to conduct examinations, at those institutions that it supervises, regarding the risks to active-duty servicemembers and their covered dependents that are presented by conduct that violates the Military Lending Act. This interpretive rule explains the basis for that authority.

FR Doc: 2021-13074
Date proposed:
Comments due date:
Effective date:

June 23, 2021

Rule compliance date:
Agency release: Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Issues Interpretive Rule on Authority to Resume Examinations Regarding the Military Lending Act
Related Reg Report item(s):