Central Liquidity Facility


Central Liquidity Facility

Subject: CLF
Agency: NCUA
Status: Interim final rule

In response to the enactment of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, (CAA) the NCUA Board (Board) is issuing this interim final rule to cohere the NCUA’s regulations to the statutory changes made by the CAA. Specifically, the CAA extended several enhancements to the NCUA’s Central Liquidity Facility (CLF or Facility), which were first enacted by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act). This rule amends the NCUA’s CLF regulation to reflect these extensions. This rule also extends the withdrawal from CLF membership provisions that the Board included in the April 2020 interim final rule that made the aforementioned regulatory changes related to the CARES Act.

FR Doc:
Date proposed: March 18, 2021
Comments due date: May 24, 2021
Effective date:

March 24, 2021

Rule compliance date:
Agency release:

Related Reg Report item(s):

Credit union regulator extends enhanced CLF provisions under COVID relief law; asset-growth trigger for supervision paused until 2023