Corporate Credit Unions

Corporate Credit Unions
Subject: Corporate credit unions
Agency: NCUA
Status: Final rule
The NCUA Board (Board) is issuing a final rule that amends the NCUA’s corporate credit union regulation. The final rule updates, clarifies, and simplifies several provisions of the NCUA’s corporate credit union regulation, including: Permitting a corporate credit union to make a minimal investment in a credit union service organization (CUSO) without the CUSO being classified as a corporate CUSO under the NCUA’s rules; expanding the categories of senior staff positions at member credit unions eligible to serve on a corporate credit union’s board; and amending the minimum experience and independence requirement for a corporate credit union’s enterprise risk management expert.
FR Doc: 2020-23185
Date proposed: March 27, 2020
Comments due date: July 27, 2020
Effective date:

Dec. 14, 2020

Rule compliance date:
Agency release:

Related Reg Report item(s):

Proposal would allow corporates to invest in credit union subordinated debt – but only after capital deduction