Netting Eligibility for Financial Institutions

Title: Netting Eligibility for Financial Institutions
Subject: Netting
Agency: Federal Reserve
Status: Final rule

The Board of Governors (Board) is publishing a final rule that amends Regulation EE to include additional entities in the definition of “financial institution” contained in section 402 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement Act of 1991 (FDICIA) so that they are covered by FDICIA’s netting protections. The final rule also clarifies certain aspects of the existing activities-based test in Regulation EE.

FR Doc:
Date proposed: May 2, 2019
Comments due date:

July 1, 2019

Final rule effective date: 30 days after publication in the Federal Register (scheduled Feb. 26, 2021)
Rule compliance date:
Agency release:

Related Reg Report item(s): Fed netting reg would treat more entities as ‘financial institutions’ under proposal