The CDFI Fund issued a release Wednesday about the reminder, which refers award recipients to the assistance or allocation agreements they entered into with the fund for guidance. “The due dates to submit the annual compliance report(s) vary by fiscal year end date and type of award,” it says. “This reminder is specifically for organizations with Assistance and/or Allocation Agreements that have an upcoming report due date of June 29, and June 30, 2018.”
Filing these reports is part of the awardee’s compliance obligation with the CDFI program. “Your organization’s required report date can be found in the Assistance and/or Allocation Agreement(s) for your award(s),” the fund states. “Please review your Assistance and/or Allocation Agreement(s) to check if you are required to report at this time and for additional information about the annual compliance report requirements.”
It adds, “Failure to file the annual compliance report(s) may result in noncompliance with your organization’s Assistance and/or Allocation Agreement(s).”
Questions can be directed to the organization’s Certification, Compliance Monitoring and Evaluation Portfolio Manager directly or by Service Request through its AMIS account. Or, contact the CDFI Fund’s Help Desk at ccme@cdfi.treas.gov or by phone at (202) 653-0421.