New FAQs focus on limited-content messages, call frequency under debt collection rules

A set of “frequently asked questions” (FAQs) that discuss limited-content messages and the call frequency provisions under debt collection rules was published Friday by the federal consumer financial protection agency.

The FAQs, according to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), address the rule under Regulation F and specifically discuss limited-content messages and call frequency provisions in the debt collection rule. More specifically, under call frequency, the FAQs cover presumptions, excluded calls, and rebutting the presumptions.

The bureau pointed out that since April, it has taken a number of actions regarding the debt collection rule, including: updated the small entity compliance guide (on April 16) to add discussion of the December 2020 rule requirements; withdrew (Sept. 1) the proposed effective date delay for the October and December 2020 debt collection final rules, which will now take effect as planned, on Nov. 30; and Friday’s publication of the FAQs.

Debt Collection Rule FAQs