Nominations for CFPB advisory board, councils due March 1

Nominations for appointment to three of CFPB’s advisory groups (councils and board) representing banks, credit unions and consumers will open Jan. 16, with completed applications due by March 1.

The bureau expects to announce selection of new members to the advisory groups in August, 2017.

CFPB is seeking nominations to its Consumer Advisory Board (Board), Community Bank Advisory Council, and Credit Union Advisory Council. Members of the Board and Councils are drawn from representatives of consumers, communities, the financial services industry and academics, according to the bureau. Appointments to the board are typically for three years and appointments to the Councils are typically for two years, CFPB stated.

The consumer bureau also noted that “only complete applications will be given consideration for review of membership on the Board and Councils,” and that “the bureau will not entertain applications of federally registered lobbyists for a position.”

FR notice/CFPB nominations to advisory board, councils